The main vision is to ensure that the children develop on a multidimensional angle. To facilitate this new methodologies are introduced to the teachers and they are implemented with full vigour and interest. These support the teachers to kindle the interest of the students and make them think away from the conventional methods.
Obtaining knowledge is the first and foremost step in building the future of a child. Gaining mastery in different subjects is not the only purpose of education. They need to learn to apply the learning in their day to day life. Hence application oriented methods are practiced to enable them to face the challenging world and the competitive scenario.
They also need to learn how to tackle situations, arguments in the most modest manner. For this interactive participation in the form of debates, discussions are held on a regular basis.
Moral values play the most important role in a student‘s life. They learn to accept their fault with grace, appreciate others performance, apologise with true spirit and keep the flag of the school fly high.
The B.V.B. School establishes excellent platforms to make children discover their uniqueness. Every child is nutured to grow with confidence and be self – dependent. We also focus on cultivating the aesthetic sense of children thus striving for nature conservation.
Kinder Garden – Std LKG & UKG – 9 am – 3.00 pm
Primary – I Std to V Std – 9 am – 3.00 pm
Middle Level – VI Std to VIII Std – 9 am – 4.00 pm
High School – IX Std & X Std- 8 am – 4.00 pm